Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Surprising Week in the NFL

First off,yes I'm a girl,yes I LOVE football,NO I'm not a tomboy.OK?Anyways...I LOVE THE COLTS!!!!!!Sorry to all the Giants fans, but YOU LOST!!!!!!!Our Manning is better, it's just a fact.That was the second Manning vs Manning and we won the first too.Can't wait 'til they play the Broncos and win. I'm betting on a loss by at least 3 touchdowns....HOW IN THE HELL DID THE JETS BEAT THE PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so surprised when I watched that game.Although I like the Patriots better than the Jets, I have to give it to them, the Jets did their thing Sunday.I have a new respect for them(still like the patriots better though).When it was a doubled score at the end of the game, I was speechless and I talk a lot during football games......The Cardinals got SLAUGHTERED!!!!!!!!!!Sorry to say, but I don't like them anymore!!!!!!!!....CANT WAIT 'TIL THE COLTS PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WATCH OUT BRONCO FANS WE'RE COMING FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

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